Health & Safety Index – An Integrated Approach to Health AND Safety

Benchmark Results Health & Wellbeing

The Health and Safety Index was created to empower organisations to measure, focus and act on the improvements that matter. This simple online survey encompasses four integrated Aspects:

  • Health and wellbeing
  • Safety Leadership
  • Safety Engagement
  • Safety Systems.

We noticed these factors were rarely evaluated in an integrated way and wanted to provide a holistic assessment tool that put a spotlight on health, safety, and engagement, to help businesses build high-performing cultures. The introduction of the recent ISO 45003 Standard on psychological health and safety at work and general improved awareness of mental health challenges has led many organisations wanting to know more.

Boards, Directors and Officers have legal and moral obligations to seek knowledge, understand risk and respond in a timely manner. This does not necessarily mean health and safety should be treated in isolation. In fact, it is critical to effectively manage common areas impacting both health and safety.

Common Ground

What do the following topics have in common?

  • Sleep
  • Change
  • Time pressure
  • Unclear expectations
  • Lack of praise and recognition.

They all have the potential to impact on both Health “AND” Safety. More specifically, mental health and wellbeing and physical safety.

Benchmark Results

As we reflect on our benchmark results in 2021, we have identified a strong positive statistical relationship (0.79) between setting clear expectations and overall Health and Safety Index results. In addition, organisations that are effective at setting clear expectations, also have higher results in both Safety Engagement and Health & Wellbeing. Below is both quantitative data and an example of qualitative feedback from respondents.

“Keep holding leaders to account”

“Stop assuming they know what the team needs”

“Start asking more questions of workers”

So, what does this mean for you?

Many organisations are collaborating with human resource people leaders in parallel with health and safety professionals to engage their workforce, identify blind spots and act on common improvements that matter!

We recommend evaluating how you treat health matters and safety matters and identify areas where it makes sense to treat health and safety in an integrated way rather than managing in isolation. A great place to start is by reaching out to trusted organisations such as HSE People, the Safety and PPE Industry’s largest network, or even get in touch with us for a chat to see how we can help.

Because whether you are diagnosing organisational factors, building team effectiveness, or coaching individuals on leadership behaviours, it’s important to align your action with a clear health “AND” safety strategy.

Get in touch

Got questions? Want to speak to a member of the HSI team? Contact us today, we’d love to hear from you.

Mark Wright and the HSI team

M: +61 417 570 143

E: [email protected]

Until next time,


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