Lead Indicators of Health & Safety: “Positive” Improvements that Matter!

Benchmark Results Case Study Safety Culture

The Health and Safety Index was created to empower organisations to measure, focus and act on the improvements that matter. It encompasses four integral factors:

  • Health and Wellbeing,
  • Safety Leadership
  • Safety Engagement
  • Safety Systems. 

We noticed these factors were rarely evaluated in an integrated way and wanted to provide a holistic assessment tool that put a spotlight on those main four factors. This approach also enables businesses to build a high-performance and solution focus culture. Organisations often rely too heavily on injury statistics and are unclear where else to assess. 

Invalidity of Lag Indicators

So, what’s the problem with relying on injury/incident frequency to gauge safety performance?

Well, there are limitations, such as differentiating between a minor injury and a catastrophic event, and when workers are performing at-risk behaviours – sometimes it is just bad luck! It’s also often statistically invalid. 

“In nearly every practical circumstance, it is statistically

invalid to use TRIR to compare companies, business units,

projects, or teams.”

CSRA November 20201

Top Four Levers for Action!

The Health and Safety Index team has recently worked successfully alongside some recognisable names within various industries to help measure lead indicators of performance and benchmark results to identify specific areas for improvement.  

Based on over 230,000 response data points, we are seeing unique insights into managing health and safety. Health and Safety Index results analyse results to provide the greatest predictors for improvement. Our benchmark results have shown the following four lowest scoring Levers:

  • Values & Beliefs, e.g., Workers ignore safety rules
  • Communication, e.g., Senior leaders have effective safety conversations
  • Accountability, e.g. Workers walk past unacceptable behaviours without stopping
  • Recognition, e.g. Providing praise and celebrating successes.

Personal Commitment

What is your personal commitment to engage the workforce, identify blind spots and measure “positive” improvements that matter? 

Contact us today to find out how we can empower your organisation to measure, focus and act on the improvements that matter!

M: +61 417 570 143

E: [email protected]


1Dr. Matthew Hallowell, et al, The Statistical Invalidity of TRIR as a Measure of Safety Performance, Construction Safety Research Alliance (CSRA), November 2020

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