Many people argue providing praise and recognition has a positive impact on health and wellbeing.
The impact of giving and receiving feedback
How good does it feel to receive positive praise and recognition?
Conversely, do you gain gratitude from recognising positive performance of others?
The Health and Safety Index is an effective way to obtain feedback at scale from your entire workforce and give their voices a platform. Obtaining feedback is also a great way to recognise and acknowledge the teams who are performing well. In other words, a positive, solution focused approach.
“Find what’s working and do more of it! Because the fastest change happens from building on what’s working.”
Annette Gray
The Health and Safety Index covers the following aspects:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Safety Leadership
- Safety Engagement
- Safety Systems
Based on over 230,000 response data points, there are some obvious trends in reported feedback relating to seniority and the potential impact on health and wellbeing.
The Health and Safety Index benchmark data found employees reported receiving praise and recognition from their supervisors 7% less often compared to senior managers. Interestingly, health and wellbeing results were also consistent with this trend.
“My supervisor gives team members praise and recognition for positive health and safety behaviours.”
Dealing with Uncertainty
During recent times of uncertainty with the global pandemic, providing clear direction and effective feedback is critical.
Reinforcing positive behaviours with praise is not the only form or recognition. Put simply, types of feedback are often summarised as the 3R’s:
““Faced with uncertainty, it is common for people to seek positive solutions”
Soklaridis et al. (2020)
Personal Reflections
How often are the 3R’s applied when you are receiving and providing feedback?
Is your approach different when managing feedback with teams compared to individuals?
Does your organisation actively encourage health and safety feedback from your entire workforce?
If you or anyone you know needs help:
- Lifeline 13 11 14
- Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
- MensLine Australia 1300 789 978
- Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
- Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
- Headspace 1800 650 890
- QLife 1800 184 527
To find out more about the Health and Safety Index and how to can obtain feedback at scale, Contact us
M: +61 417 570 143