A Commitment to Industry Engagement
Recently, FEFO Consulting had the honor of representing the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) at Parliament House to be involved in a SafeWork NSW Psychosocial Health and Safety Roundtable. This event aimed to involve industry peak industry bodies to positively influence psychosocial outcomes, e.g. AIHS, AICD, CPA, RMIA.
The consultation was a testament to SafeWork NSW’s genuine commitment to consulting with the industry. The visible leadership from Trent Curtin was indeed commendable.
Here are a few key takeaways:
There is a huge opportunity to explore cross-industry collaboration with peak bodies in partnership with SafeWork NSW to positively influence psychosocial outcomes.
Compliance Risks:
Regulators play an important role in law enforcement. It is also recognised there can be unintended consequences to psychosocial compliance activity.
Targeted Intervention:
Risk-based solutions should address psychosocial hazards that are often unique to each team, business, or industry. For instance, work design can significantly impact the psychosocial health of employees and should therefore be a key consideration in intervention strategies.
Looking Forward
The consultation provided valuable insights into the future of workplace psychosocial health and safety. It highlighted the importance of collaboration, the role of regulators, and the need for targeted interventions with peak industry bodies.
As representatives of AHRI, we at FEFO Consulting look forward to applying these insights to our work and seeing how they shape the future of workplace psychosocial health and safety.
We extend our thanks to Anna Dawson for the invitation and to Trent Curtin for his leadership. It was indeed a great experience.