New Products
The Health and Safety Index recently launched two new products, enabling organisations to better measure, focus and act on mental health and wellbeing improvements that matter!
These two new diagnostics (Dx) survey products are:
- Wellbeing Dx
- Psychosocial Dx
The development of new surveys are carefully designed based on international standard ISO 45003: International standard for managing psychosocial risk at work and regulatory codes of practices. ISO 45003 defines well-being at work as follows…
“fulfilment of the physical, mental and cognitive needs and expectations of a worker related to their work” 1,2
- Well-being at work can also contribute to the quality of life outside of work.
- Well-being at work relates to all aspects of working life, including work organisation, social factors at work, work environment, equipment, and hazardous tasks.
To find out more, check out our recent New Products: Psychosocial Dx and Wellbeing Dx blog or contact us:
Psychosocial Risk
Can a survey be used to replace a psychosocial risk assessment?
Truly understanding your organisation psychosocial risk exposures and impacts can often be difficult. Using surveys can be a scalable, confidential, and reliable way to understand how your workforce is feeling, their perceptions and innovative ideas to improve.
Surveys alone often do not give you a complete picture of risk strategic and operational psychosocial risk factors in the workplace, e.g.
- Process and system
- Plant and equipment
- Working environment
- Design or management of work
- Interactions, cultures, values, and observable behaviours.
Combining surveys with other interventions can be a powerful way to demonstrate legal duties and make effective strategic choices. At a minimum this should include the evaluation of Job Demands, Job Resource and Work Outcomes. Examples of interventions that are often used in conjunction with surveys include:
- Broader maturity assessments
- Psychosocial risk assessments
- Strategy workshops
- Leadership training
- Focus Groups
- Coaching.
To connect with FEFO Consulting and our partners who provide additional services:
WHS Trend
During September 2022, the Health and Safety Index teamed up with our partner Lucidity at the annual WHS Show exhibition in Sydney. We were surrounded by many other technology companies such as Staunch Technology, Joint Action Solutions, Preventure and many more. Recurring conversations and themes from the trade show included:
- WHS technology
- Contractor safety
- New psychosocial codes of practice
- Critical risk controls
- Predicting injuries
- Replacing injury frequency rates – OKR vs KPI’s.
To understand the latest trend in WHS technology, refer to the Lucidity blog The What’s the driving future of WHS technology?
To hear more about what our stakeholders say and client reviews, refer to our website Success Stories for testimonies.
Dates for your Diary
IQA Mental Health & Wellbeing Awareness Online Workshop
Miner Health & Wellbeing 2022 Conference 25-26 October 2022
FEFO / myosh Psychological Risk Webinar Series – October dates to be confirmed
Thanks for your interest in the Health and Safety Index. If you have questions about risk, health, or safety solutions, we’d love to hear from you! Get in touch. E: [email protected] P: +61 1300 909 649 Until next time, Mark Wright and the HSI team |